Thursday, July 31, 2008

Author of the Month- Meg Cabot

Meg Cabot is a popular YA author, especially among young girls. She has written The Princess Diaries series, All American Girl (which, in my own library I couldn't keep on the shelf when I first put it out), and most recently, 2 new series. One is called Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls and the other is called Airhead. Take a look at an interview with Meg Cabot.

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo is set in Europe during World War 2. It was a touching story about Joey, a red bay horse. He serves as the narrator. The story starts with Joey being purchased by an often drunk, ill tempered farmer. This farmer had a son named Albert who took an immediate liking to Joey. He trained Joey to be a farm horse and the two were inseparable until Albert's father sold Joey to the Army.

Joey continued to touch many lives throughout the war but his main focus was how he would return to Albert some day. Would they be reuinted some day? Read this great story to find out.

Introductory Post

Welcome to the Virtual MC Blog. This blog will allow students and teachers to share book reviews and recommendations about what to read next.